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The Best Jakarta Home Tutoring is In Front of You Now!


Why The Jakarta Tutors?


Competence and Experienced Tutors

We committed to provide the best service to customers by giving reliable tutors to help students complete the difficulties of learning in school. Our tutors have been selected and come from leading universities in Indonesia and abroad.


Flexibility in Schedule

Every student can choose freely learning schedule. The requested schedule will be agreed by the tutor before the learning begins.


Structured and Update Syllabus

We provide structured materials based on the syllabus which applicable to the curriculum taken. The syllabus is updated every year so that the material in accordance with the latest curriculum.


5 Days Full-Services

We faithfully serve customers from Monday to Friday during office hours 8:00 a.m. until 16:00 p.m.

Open Private Class

SAT Private Tutoring for Around Jakarta

The Jakarta Tutors provide Home Tutoring Service for SAT Exam Preparation. Our tutors are experienced in tutoring students with SAT Materials and Syllabus. You can select tutors with bilingually or full English for the intermadiate language. Available Subjects :...

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How to Join?


Step 1 Send Your Request

Customer sends the request by email to enrollment@thejakartatutors.com or call us at (+62)813-1612-1741. Give the remark for student name, subjects, schedule, session in a week and your location which is requested.


Step 2 Choose The Offering Tutors

Check your email. We will send you CV of the offering tutors maximum in 2 days. Select the best one and confirm your selected tutors by email at customercare@thejakartatutors.com or call us at (+62)813-1612-1741.


Step 3 Payment

We will send the invoice to your email for your choosen tutor. Please transfer your payment immediately to the bank account which insert in your email and confirm by sending your bill at finance@thejakartatutors.com


Step 4 Start Your Study

Inform your date and location of your first meeting to our contact at (+62)813-1612-1741. You can start your study in your day and enjoy it!

Support for

Our Students

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Our Coverage
